The Earth Regenerators online group is now closed, but many of us have chosen to stay together in a number of ways:

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1 min read

Episode 3 - Alpha Lo on Complex Water Cycles

Episode 3 - Alpha Lo on Complex Water Cycles

Chad Monfreda interviews Alpha Lo on the various complex water cycles and feedback loops that power the frequent water-related catastrophic events wrecking ecosystems around the world, but which at the same time could induce regeneration. Alpha is trying to promote this regeneration through the Regenerative Water Alliance and regularly publishes articles on his insights in his newsletter: the Climate Water Project. Enjoy!

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This podcast is a decentralized platform for the regenerative community. Anybody on Earth Regenerators can propose or record their own episode! So if you are already on Earth Regenerators, contact Jakob Seidler if you have an idea for a future interview or audio-essay. And if you are not on there yet, come and join us for regular learning journeys on the pathway to regeneration, inspiration from the many regenerative projects reporting there and a wonderful community woven around mutual support!

Let’s regenerate the earth!