The Earth Regenerators online group is now closed, but many of us have chosen to stay together in a number of ways:

  • Ecohana (fka Transition-ER) is a new online community continuing a wider and relational lens on the regenerative movement as a whole.
  • Presences continue on Hylo, along with the Vivero participatory giving trust.
  • The Design School for Regenerating Earth is where you can find Joe Brewer and 'fellow humans' focused on bioregional activations and the development of bioregional learning centers.

Thank you for your support! 🦋

Books by ER Press

Earth Regenerators Press produces books that were made for these times.
Here's some of our books:

Finding Ourselves In the Age of Collapse by Rachel K. Olson offers both wisdom and practical advice gleaned from experts together with inspiring real-life stories of ordinary people from around the world.

The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth by Joe Brewer offers genuine hope by embracing the fundamental insight that all living systems self-organize around the patterns of regeneration.