The Earth Regenerators online group is now closed, but many of us have chosen to stay together in a number of ways:

Thank you for your support! 🦋

partial-index-content-section1: Introduction & TDP Book

In these times of immense planetary change, there are those who step up to serve the living systems of Earth. This space is a dance of on-ground projects and a study group with over 4000 members navigating difficult questions and transformation.

Hosted by people like you and originally started by Joe Brewer, author of The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth. This book presents a sober-yet-plausible way to restore planetary health while safeguarding the future of humanity, offering genuine hope not found in the shallow optimism of techno-fixes or consumer choices.

To support you on this journey, the Earth Regenerators Study Group participates in learning journeys, teach-ins, and social support on topics of human behavior, cultural evolution, and healing the dynamic Earth. Here's what's happening as we walk a path for the rest of this century and beyond: