The Earth Regenerators online group is now closed, but many of us have chosen to stay together in a number of ways:

Thank you for your support! 🦋


The Earth Regenerators podcast started from a Barichara, Colombia gathering in June 2022, with a few interviews recorded right there and began spreading.

As the Earth Regenerators Podcast, any Earth Regenerator is welcome to propose hosting an episode with a guest of their choice or send in an audio essay.

A group administering the podcast is put in place to handle reviews of submissions, editing and publishing.

The goal of the podcast is to spread the regenerative mindset to the mainstream and get more people to join the Earth Regenerators community or start their community locally. So tell your friends and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Let's Regenerate the Earth!


Our Host Red Circle - Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Stitcher - Google Podcasts - RSS